Address and Mission

Our address: 908 Washington St. West Monroe, Louisiana.

Our Mission: Bring hope to the hopeless in our community.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

What will the Judgement Seat of Christ be Like for You and Me? Please Listen!

(This is a re-post.  I re-posted this because I don't think anyone listened to it.  If you did and I saw you in church, you would probably have said something about it.  I re-posted this because I think it speaks volumes about how we might choose to live our lives, storing up treasures with Him rather that building them up here; living for that day rather than today.)

This is quite compelling.

The guy speaking in this audio gives us a glimpse of what 'THE' day might be like when we come face to face with the judgment seat of Christ and have to account for our Earthly lives.

Listening and sharing this is highly recommend.  If you aren't able to listen to all of it in one sitting, take note of the position of the progress bar below the video.  When you come back you can click/drag the progress indicator to that point and pick up where you left off.

If you think this is worthy of sharing, feel free to pass the link to this blog to your friends and family.

As for the picture, I needed one to go with the audio so I just used one of my stock photos of our church building.  This performance was several years ago at another location.

Pastor Scott - Being Saved Means way more than Avoiding Hell 11/10/13

Monday, November 11, 2013


"We don't need microphones to be heard by HIm"  Chad said this as he kicked off our Sunday morning service  when one of the microphones was having some extreme feedback.

Chad spoke about how listening to Christian music has influenced his attitude and he discussed calling to somehow expand our church's van ministry.


Saturday, November 2, 2013


Photographs taken by:  Dan Taverne

Fun and fellowship was had by all.

I wanted to be fair to everyone so I uploaded everything I took.   Now remember, it's in the interest of fairness that I didn't leave anything out.  I just know everyone understands. hehe... 

Feel free to save, print, or share these on social media.  I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them.


Below is number 12

Below 25

Below 29

Press Play below

Press Play Below

Below:  Sorry about doing that to your noggin...