Address and Mission

Our address: 908 Washington St. West Monroe, Louisiana.

Our Mission: Bring hope to the hopeless in our community.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

9/28/14 Worship and Praise - Brother Scott Platt Delivers Message

(Pictures at the bottom)

The first video is the beginning portion of today’s service up to the offering  led by Christy Platt  who gave  a terrific message. 

Cashi and the praise team performed, “Oceans”, which I thought I recorded, but didn’t.    Somehow  I managed not to get it.  Sorry Cashi, that’s  one song I wanted to get.

And Christy, I apologize for not getting your wonderful offertory prayer.  I’m sure Dajunna appreciates every prayer but would have been heart-warmed if she was able to hear this one.

In the second video, Pastor Scott spoke about Dajunna and the loss of her brother.  He mentioned how trying this week has been and thanked the backbone of our church body for always stepping up when it is needed.

In the third video, Brother Scott Platt gave a message about Abram’s obedience  to God.  Even when Abram messed up, God’s graciousness and love never failed.

In the last video,  the Praise music  was awesome as usual.  At the end, Cashi invited us all to go around the room greeting each other in Christian fellowship.  At that point I turned the camera to the congregation.  I even got in on this one.

Video 1:  Brother Chad opens Service and Christy Platt Offerings.

Video 2:  Pastor Scott

Video 3:  Brother Scott Platt

Video 4:  Praise Team

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Switchfoot - Love Alone is Worth the Fight

This song is cool!  It speaks to me since I had to rearrange my life after  my wife walked out.  

I could have given up, but I didn't.  In fact, GOD improved my life.  HE loves me.


9/21/14 Worship and Praise Service Events (Videos and Pictures)

At the beginning of today's service, we were encouraged by Brother Chad to be in prayer for Pastor Scott, Dajunna and Cori who were unable to be here today.

Brother Mathew led with a message inviting us think of Jesus in terms of how his Disciples saw him:  In a personal way.  He led our congregation through the alphabet using each letter, A through Z,  (one at a time) as the beginning letters of words we'd use to  describe Jesus.  

We were encouraged to blurt out our answers.   I omitted most of this portion in the below video of the exercise due to the fact that hardly anyone's audio was picked up by my microphone.   

Cashie  did a super job leading the Praise Team today with several songs.  In the last video below, which contains 2 songs, I turned the camera on the congregation as we flapped our arms like wings and raised our hands in praise.  Also, one of our little blessings came over to me as I was operating the camera... I took some pictures of her which are included  at the end.

Thanks to Crystal and Brandon, pancake and sausage  breakfast was wonderful!  Also, thanks to everyone who helps clean up afterwards.

Christy and Scott Platt gave a special message just before the offering was taken up.  You can hear this in the first video below.

All of today's pictures are posted below the videos.  Check them out!

Below:  Chad, Christy, Scott and Mathew.  For some reason the player below seems to begin half way through so you'll have to pull the progress indicator back to the beginning to hear and watch the entire video.  Sorry but it's beyond my control.

Below:  I'll Fly Away

Below:  Lead me to the Cross

Below:  Your Love Never Fails

Below:  Today is the Day and Glorify His Holy Name

9/14/14 "There is Power", Happy Birthday to Mindy, District Superintendent visits

Unfortunately, the camera batteries weren't as charged as I thought they were so I was unable to record the District Super's sermon.  I did, however, record some music and Pastor Scott's introduction to the Superintendent  and his wife.

I was also able to record the congregation singing Happy Birthday to Mathew's wife, Mindy.

Below we sing, "There is Power".

Below:  Happy Birthday to Mindy

Below the Pastor introduces our District Superintendent.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

9/7/14 Service and Baptism Videos and Pictures

Here are some Pictures from our before-church Breakfast: Click photo to see it enlarged.

At the bottom pictures from the Baptism are posted.

Below: Pastor Scott talked about making decisions that are life changing. 

What does it take to be a follower of Christ?  What does HE want us to do?


Below, Dajunna talks about how we should be childlike.

Below: Dajunna and the Praise team lead us in song. 
 I love seeing the Holy Spirit move the little children.


Below: Several People were Baptized today. Praise the LORD! 
 I posted the video I shot then all the pictures I took during this 

Below are the Pictures from the Baptism: