Address and Mission

Our address: 908 Washington St. West Monroe, Louisiana.

Our Mission: Bring hope to the hopeless in our community.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

2/8/15 WATCH: Mathew Preaches about Clay, Sand and Dead stuff

Let's keep Pastor Scott and Dajunna in our prayers as they are in Washington D.C. and should be arriving tomorrow night. 

Along with the great music and Brother Scott's offering message,  Youth Pastor Mathew stepped in and did a great job illustrating his sermon using clay, sand and dead stuff. 

 Watch his sermon in the below video to see how our dead stuff can help grow our relationship with the LORD.

Monday, February 2, 2015

2/1/15 - Are we engaging in Discipleship?

Today's Complete Sunday service is in the video below.

Is the primary purpose of the church to get people to the alter?  Are we pouring our lives into someone else?  Listen to Pastor Scott explain the importance of discipleship.