Address and Mission

Our address: 908 Washington St. West Monroe, Louisiana.

Our Mission: Bring hope to the hopeless in our community.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

WATCH: Miss. Cori Shares her recent experiences in Haiti

Cori did a super job filling us in on her, "amazingly, wonderful" mission trip to Haiti.

Way to go, Cori, for the great work you did (and continue to do)  for God's kingdom.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

1/25/15 Pastor Scott: What are our Expectations? Sunday Morning service

This was a great day.  Thanks and all praise to the LORD for speaking through our friends and sending your Holy Spirit to dwell within us.

Below: For the offering, Brother Scott reveals his personal story and a wonderful devotional he's been reading.

Below:  Cori encourages the congregation.

Below:  Pastor Scott preaches about our expectations.

Below:  The full service and music.

Monday, January 19, 2015

1/18/15 - HOW DO WE PRESS ON?

For some strange reason my camera wouldn't upload to my computer the beginning of our service today.  It did, however, pick up at the, "he took my sins away" song with some kids showing us all what praise should look like.

Today Pastor Scott was talking about pressing on and the best way to do it.:  

1.  Change our focus
2.  Have faith in those appointed over us.
3.  Move and operate in favor of our lord.

Watch the major portion of the service below.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Last Sunday's Incredible Moment of Praise

Wow!  Did I say, "ditto" after this lovely lady finishes praising God and Jesus last Sunday?   If I didn't, I'm saying it now.

Monday, January 12, 2015

1/11/15 Worship Service: Not my Will, but YOURS

Today Pastor Scott talked about moments in our lives when God will have something HE wants us to do. What will you do if you know he wants you to do something, but that thing would clash with your friend's and family's expectations for you?  What would your prayer be? 

 Hopefully you and I in each of our unique situations would pray, "Not my will, Lord, but yours". This was Jesus' prayer to His father prior to his Crucifixion when he knew what his father wanted.

 Learn more about this from Pastor Scott. Also, enjoy Mr. Dajunna, the music, the offering and the testimony of some of the clergy. The entire service is in the following video:

Saturday, January 10, 2015

St. Paul's Men's/Women's Retreats Set for March

The retreats are organized by by members of St. Paul's Church in Monroe.   I will be one of the staff team members.

I attended the men's retreat last summer and it was life changing.

The Men's retreat is scheduled for March 5 - 7 and the women's March 26 - 28.

Here is the registration form: